Tel Aviv sex shop sex accessories BDSM equipment

FetishDeal - the largest and most recommended sex shop in Israel. We have parking , great service and warranty. All types of sex accessories, bdsm, fetish clothes, sexy clothing and games. And all at a really affordable price. Located at 1 Esther Hamalka St. in Tel Aviv \ Dizengoff 100. Free discreet delivery and also the possibility of delivery within 4 hours . Our specialty is helping you realize your fantasy.

BDSM Fetish sex shop in Tel Aviv - Ester Hamalka 1 - +972-3-5252607

Satisfyer - Air Pulse vibrators that changed the face of sex toys
Satisfyer - Air Pulse vibrators that changed the face of sex toys

Satisfyer is a leading manufacturer of air-pulse vibrators designed for clitoral stimulation. The company became famous in 2016 due to the success of the Satisfyer Pro 2 toy, which we still hold in our stores. Today, the company continues to produce many models of different vibrators, for different genders and people.

Satisfyer combines amazing quality at a fair price and at our sex shop, we recommend many of their products.
Satisfyer makes a variety of remote-controlled toys such as vibrating cock-rings for couples, discreet panties vibrators that you can play with outside the house, and many other exciting options for solo or joint exploration...
You can easily connect many of these sex toys to a free application from the Satisfyer company, which is very user-friendly and we will even be happy to guide you on how to connect it with your new toy!
There are whole communities that recommend us as the most recommended sex shop to buy from, not only because of the crazy variety and fair prices - but also because we really want to match you with a product that will help you fulfill every fantasy, while we try to understand as best as possible what exactly your needs are.

A sex shop in Tel Aviv with BDSM equipment, hi there!
A sex shop in Tel Aviv with BDSM equipment, hi there!
Pleased to meet you, we are FetishDeal - a sex shop in Tel Aviv with a variety of quality sex accessories, BDSM equipment, and fetish clothing at the best possible prices, since 2011. This is why there are so many people recommending FetishDeal among many communities and also on websites such as Mako, Ynet, Haaretz, Time Out, Blazer, and more. Welcome to the largest store in Israel with a huge showroom, and a variety of over 1600 different items (also available on our website). Our sex shop lets you feel the products on display and bring something new home.
Our number (you are welcome to WhatsApp us as well) –
We also have a website in Hebrew:

You may find a vibrator in every sex shop, but we also bring the heart, we care that our customers enjoy an experience that is not only informative but also not embarrassing and fun. As of 2022, FetishDeal is rated 4.8 on Google and that's only thanks to the fact that you enjoyed our sex shop and wanted to give back.
Thank you for choosing FetishDeal!
Free Delivery Worldwide
Free Delivery Worldwide

Ask us about it!

We offer free delivery to different countries around the world.

+972-5858926 or

Free Parking in Tel Aviv, is it possible?
Free Parking in Tel Aviv, is it possible?
If your Google search brought you here, Google has done its job! What's better than a sex shop with an amazing selection of almost every vibrator you can think of?

Hint, hint, free parking in Tel Aviv!

And not only that but a vibrator at an affordable price (we try). Our team will help you choose the most suitable toy for your needs (and desires!) and is happy to answer your questions and make you feel comfortable.
Just outside out shop at Ester HaMalka 1, Tel-Aviv. All you need to do is call us at +972-58-5858926 and we will instruct you how to park.
This means you can visit us from all over the country, without worrying about your car while you're visiting our shop.
And no, you don't need to buy anything for free parking -feel free to leave your car the entire time you're in the shop - the most important thing to us is that you have a pleasant experience!
This is our private parking, so no need to activate Pango or any other app.
Quick delivery to you - within 4 hours
Quick delivery to you - within 4 hours

What's greater than a sex shop from which you can order fast delivery of sex accessories (that is very discreetly packaged) to your home?

What does discreet packaging mean? You will receive your delivery in a sealed package without the name of the store indicated on it. Your privacy is very important to us, and we do everything we can to make you feel comfortable ordering from us!

We understand that sometimes it is necessary to receive an order quickly on the same day, therefore FetishDeal provides fast delivery to our spontaneous customers. You can order home delivery which will arrive within 4 hours from the moment of ordering (during store hours). The shipment will arrive with a courier to your door. You can also ask for it to be left outside the door or in another place of your choice.
The cost is automatically calculated on the website according to the address you entered.

Fast delivery reaches all major cities as Tel Aviv, Ramat Gan, Givatayim, Bnei Brak, Petah Tikva, Bat Yam, Holon, Azor, Rishon Lezion, Herzliya, Ra'anana, Kfar Saba, Ramat Hasharon, Hod Hasharon, Yehud , Or Yehuda, Kiryat Ono, Lod, Beit Dagan, Ramla, Rosh Ha'Ein.

A shop that gives your toys a guarantee
A shop that gives your toys a guarantee
These days it doesn't matter which sex shop you buy a vibrator from, what matters is - what happens when something doesn't work.
Do you know the secret that makes most of our customers recommend us as a sex shop worth returning to? We're dedicated to take care of you when something isn't right, beyond the variety and quality that we try to bring you. Most of our vibrators have a guarantee - a waterproof vibrator that stopped working after getting wet, or a faulty charging cable ... for all these and more we are here for you and will try to help in any way we can!
We are happy to tell you about several ways to maintain sex toys so that they live a satisfying long life. First, it is recommended to separate sex toys made of different materials (silicone, PVC, etc.) Most of the vibrators sold by us today are waterproof! They can be washed in warm soapy water between each use. You can also purchase an antibacterial toy cleaner that does not contain alcohol (which may damage your vibrator).
FetishDeal is a sex shop that provides all its customers with a warranty within one year from the date of purchase with the receipt - we will be happy to be at your service!

Vibrators - one word and many types, what can you find at our shop?
Vibrators - one word and many types, what can you find at our shop?

You got to the sex shop and see a huge variety of sex toys, how do you know what to choose? These are several “classic” options.

The Magic Wand: Probably one of the best-selling vibrators as it allows a comfortable grip for clitoral stimulation. Most women (and people with vulvas) reach orgasm from clitoral stimulation. Magic Wands can offer a variety of vibration intensities, that you can enjoy with yourself or with a partner - this is a sex toy that comes with a comfortable handle so you don't have to hold it yourself.
The Rocket Pocket: Small and discreet, the rocket pocket is designed for clitoral stimulation and can suit those who enjoy something strong and small, or someone new to toys who wants something simple. The rocket pocket is usually used for solo pleasure but can also be used with your partner.
The Rabbit: a combined vibrator, meaning that it combines both internal and external vibration. This toy can be excellent for beginners and especially for those who enjoy exploring different stimulation areas. Its interior part vibrates inside you, usually stimulating the G area (but there are vibrators to stimulate other areas) and your clit at the same time.
The Air Pulse/Suction vibrator: popularized by the brand Satisfyer, these vibrators use Air-Pulse Technology to produce waves of clitoral stimulation. Clit suckers are great for those who prefer less direct stimulation or who want to try something different!
G-Spot Vibrator: sometimes phallic-shaped and sometimes not, these toys are designed for internal vaginal stimulation, especially of the g-spot. This type of vibrator is also great for combining with your favourite clit toy! You'll also get to choose your shape and size!

BDSM - toys for your kinks & fetishes
BDSM - toys for your kinks & fetishes

Welcome to a sex shop in the heart of Tel Aviv where you'll also find sex accessories for different kinds of BDSM play. We have sex accessories suitable both for beginners and for those who've already tried a thing or two.

And we are here to help you find the product you are looking for!
At FetishDeal you can find almost everything from an XL dildo to painful nipple clamps, paraffin candles for dripping wax on the body, and so much more. We'll be happy to tell you about any product we have so that you can decide if it`s the right one for you. We bring you a great variety so that you can find many exciting things all in one sex shop.
And if we`re talking about an all-in-one sex shop - Fetishdeal has a collection of fetish clothes in a variety of sizes - we attempt to bring you a variety of sizes from Small to Plus Size. Our clothes fit the dress code of most BDSM parties and we are happy to help you make feel sexy!

נגישות ועזרה נוספת
נגישות ועזרה נוספת

FetishDeal מציעה שירות מסירת חבילות עד לרכב בתיאום מראש בכתובת החנות באסתר המלכה 1, תל אביב. טלפון לתיאום או שאלות חנות FetishDeal זמינים גם בוואטצאפ - 0585858926 .

בנוסף החנות שלנו – LIBIDO, הממוקמת בדיזינגוף סנטר נגישה לכיסאות גלגלים, שימו לב שלא כל המלאי הקיים באתר נמצא בחנות, מומלץ לוודא מול החנות במספר 051-5029480.